Sunday, May 4, 2014

Faces of Insanity.

My last post had my first Selfie, day 1 of Insanity, Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Let's see what the rest of the days have done to me, shall we?

April 15:

April 16:

April 17:

April 18:

April 19 - Rest Day 

April 20 (are those shoulders getting more defined?? Thank you, moving pushups)

April 21 - Rest Day

April 22:

April 23:

April 24 (determined):

April 25 (no idea why I'm looking so happy!):

April 26:

April 27: Rest day (and by rest day, it means still a long hike with Jackson)

April 28 (I was NOT feeling it, but pushed "play" and dug deep):

April 29 - Hannah was sick, doctor appointment, stressful workday = no insanity :(

April 30:

May 1 (I think I'm loving it, in my sick, sick way):

May 2 (Did I say I was loving it???):

May 3 (Fighting off a cold, but pushing play anyway):

I think this cold is getting the best of me, and today (May 4) will be a rest day, but perhaps a bonus pic instead? Here's a full shot a couple weeks in. NO WHERE *NEAR* where I need to be, but really going to push myself for the next 6 weeks.


I have clearly failed at keeping up with posting all of my food escapades. I have a million pictures and recipes I need to get posted and this will be coming. BUT, for the past 16 or so days, and for the next 44... My main focus is.... INSANITY. I have finally bit the bullet, so to speak, and am knee deep in Shaun T's Insanity. My back is kinda sore, my knees are kinda sore, it hurts to do most things, and I am loving it. I have been taking pictures of myself each day as I finish, and going forward, I plan to post on a more daily basis.

Thoughts so far? No way would I have even gotten to day 16 before if I hadn't been doing Crossfit. And not because Crossfit got me fit (it did), but because it made me mentally strong. I had never been mentally strong when it came to physical activity before (that's a whole other post), but I am now. When Shaun T yells at me to DIG DEEPER, I DIG DEEPER!!! SSSSSSGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Here's a pic of me the first day in, 4/14/14.

And yes, I have a post-workout face pic for every day of the workout so far. I think in my next post, I'll get you all caught up and then post a new one each day. I also took full body shots, but not quite sure those are something I want to share... yet. Anyway, this was Plyometric Cardio Circuit, and it kicked my ass.